
Unleash the Rockstar Chiropractor in You

May 26, 2022
7:00 pm

When Dr. Aileen Delacruz first purchased a practice she felt tremendous pressure to be just like the former doctor and to perform, taking on so many new roles all at once. Fast forward a few years and she has learned to be confident in herself while playing to her own strengths, she has become the leader she wanted to be, and has grown the practice beyond what she thought was possible! In this live webinar she will share the steps she took to become 100% authentic and confident while growing a healthy practice.

Dr. Aileen Delacruz is a graduate of Sherman College of Chiropractic and has practiced in Mt. Carmel, IL for 3 years.

In this webinar you’ll learn how to:

– Unleash your inner Rockstar
– Develop an effective team
– Educate & Keep your patients
– Build a referral system
– Create long-term stability

Right Start Zoom Meet-Ups are open to anyone looking to open a practice.  Each meet-up, Dr. Tara Horrall has a guest speaker tell the story of their AMC experience, participants have the opportunity to ask questions, and valuable practice content is shared.  These are a great way to learn about AMC Right Start in a no strings attached environment, gain knowledge, and learn from the experience of those already doing what you want to do.


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