

How to Schedule 180 Patients Your First of Week of Practice

Let me ask you, doctor, how many new patients did you have scheduled on your appointment book the week before you opened your first practice?


Half of that?

Not even close, huh?

That’s what I thought.

You see, that’s the case for many chiropractors. They may be competent, but they are not not businessmen and women.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. International chiropractic management and consulting firm, Advanced Management & Consulting, is HERE to HELP chiropractors open, run, and manage successful chiropractic offices. They literally have thousands of stories from chiropractors just like you who have learned AMC’s system, implemented it, and continue to prosper through it — even during economically depressed times!

Dr. Ava Carter is just one great example. Let’s hear how she started from nothing and grew it to something by simply following what AMC taught her …

My name is Dr. Ava Carter. I joined AMC in December 1998 and I am thankful to still be here!

I graduated from Life University in the fall of 1997 and immediately moved to Memphis and took a job as an associate. It was a good experience with great people, but I knew Memphis was not where I wanted to live. So, I moved home to Kingsport, Tennessee. I did not have a clue as to what I was going to do. I did have a business plan written, but was not real sure how to implement it. So, I called up one of my teachers from Life, Dr. David Maldon who lived about 20 minutes away. He told me not to do anything towards opening a practice until I talked with AMC. He even went with me to my first meeting. It was at the Read House in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I knew immediately that I was supposed to be there at that meeting and signed up with no questions asked.

I joined AMC before I even had an office space. They called us Right Starters! It was the best thing I ever did in my life. I think I attended  four or five meetings before I actually opened my practice. I really didn’t have many obstacles or huge challenges in the beginning. AMC gave me the information, confidence, tools and protocols to open my office the right way without making the mistakes others before me had made. For that I am truly grateful! It took me six months to get open, and I am the one who ran the ad and got 180 new patients scheduled in my first week! How about that for an explosive opening! It took us weeks to get through all the new patients. If one cancelled we just called one on the list and moved them forward. That was just absolutely awesome. I even opened in the month of June!

Just recently, I had the opportunity to tell Dr. Owen how much he and his family mean to me. I do not even want to think of where I would be if our paths had not crossed in 1998. He was quick to reassure me that he knew! My life could have turned out much differently. My mother would probably agree that they took me from being a shy, timid person, to being a more confident, successful young lady and doctor. For that, she and my dad are grateful. I thank God daily for AMC, their leadership, coaches, and ministry.

The following years have been exciting. My office has seen growth just as yours can. Please don’t get caught up in worries about the economy, insurance stuff, etc. You must start hanging around positive and uplifting people who share your purpose and dreams in life. This is one of the most awesome perks about being an AMC Family member. I enjoy the camaraderie and family atmosphere just as you will. Set your goals high and work hard at doing what you do best, and that’s adjusting your patients and watching sick people become well! The AMC procedures will help you do the rest!

It is my mission to help lead other Chiropractors to AMC just as Dr. Maldon helped me. We enjoy the most wonderful profession, so it is up to us to pay it forward and see that others do well and prosper. I want you to get started in practice the right way. Here is my office number (423)246-9353. If I can be of help please call! Be blessed, hope to see you at the next meeting!

Albert Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Does that define your current situation?

Are you ready for a change?

Would you like to know how to run a self-sustaining, referral-based chiropractic practice?

If so, then follow your heart!

Contact us online now or pick up the phone and call AMC at (877) 262-7117.

Do it TODAY!



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Innate Video Series

Hear from seasoned professionals and industry experts with new videos each week.

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I collected $307K in my first year in practice! I also maintained an 85% closing percentage and had a $125 collection visit average. 👍

Dr. Miguel Esquinca

I keep having record years since becoming an AMC family member! 💪

Dr. Dan Yachter

My office achieved the highest total collections and highest CVA of my career! 🙌 

Dr. Tony Rea

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I have had my best collections ever over the last few years! 💪

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