

Are You Insane?

Are You Insane?

I’ve been a member of AMC since July 2001. Outside of my own success, I’ve had the privilege to watch AMC Members reach incredible heights both in practice and in life.

Many times I’m asked by non-AMC members, “What’s AMC’s secret?”

My answer: Their system!

You see, as a chiropractor, you need to understand that you’re an entrepreneur. If you need a primer on what this entails, I highly recommend you read Michael Gerber’s New York Times bestseller, The E-Myth. It’ll shed some light on what you’re truly up against.

Chiropractors don’t have the luxury of plugging into a successful system upon graduation like medical doctors do. Instead, we have to fight, claw, and work our way into success from day one.

However, the sad truth is that most of us don’t make it. Instead, we patch together a system of inefficiency that only allows us to reach low to medium levels of income.

Matter of fact, you’d be amazed at how many chiropractors I’ve spoken to throughout the years that live in true poverty. This shouldn’t be!

But THERE IS HOPE! And, it’s found in AMC!

Dr. Owen, AMC’s founder, developed a system over 50 years ago that’s incredibly efficient. It’s literally brought success to tens of thousands of chiropractors across this great land.

So, if you’re currently stuck and haven’t realized your true potential, then I highly recommend you pick up the phone and dial (877) 262-7117. We are HERE to HELP chiropractors!

In closing, do you know the definition of insanity?

Albert Einstein defined it as doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

Question: Isn’t it time you got different results in practice?

Stop the insanity and call AMC today!



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Innate Video Series

Hear from seasoned professionals and industry experts with new videos each week.

We are on an upward trend since joining AMC and keep having our best years ever! 🥳

Drs. Paul & Heather Fay

Because of my consistent efforts, I saw the most patients I ever have in a day and in a week! 👏

Dr. Suarez

We have been rocking it with new patients and are ready to keep that momentum going as we serve more and more people. 🤘

Drs. Rick and Jill Palma

I set all-time records in patient visit averages, total collections, and collection visit averages over the last few years. 👏

Dr. JP Whittaker

I had a $10,000 care plan accepted, which was amazing! 🙏

Dr. Bryan Hedlund

I collected $307K in my first year in practice! I also maintained an 85% closing percentage and had a $125 collection visit average. 👍

Dr. Miguel Esquinca

I keep having record years since becoming an AMC family member! 💪

Dr. Dan Yachter

My office achieved the highest total collections and highest CVA of my career! 🙌 

Dr. Tony Rea

I had my best year ever and grew $147K in collections! 🤩

Dr. Holly Cox

I closed 4 care plans in one day after coming back from the Atlanta Summit! 🥳

Dr. Angie Skokos