

Have You Found the Secret Ingredient?

The Secret to Success is You

No matter what business you are in, to be successful you must always strive to improve your volume, sales and overall productivity.  The chiropractic business is no different.  Ray Kroc (founder of McDonalds) once asked, “Are you green and growing or ripe and rotten?”

What a great thing to ask yourself every morning when you get up and look in the mirror!

You’ll find that success is not a destination but more of a constantly moving, progressive, and sometimes elusive target.  As entrepreneurs, our continued growth is essential to long term sustainable success.

Often, in our journeys towards success, we tend to search for “magic bullets.”  You know, that “one thing” that will push us you the edge into success.

Some call this the “Secret Ingredient”.

Where I see chiropractors going astray in search of the “Secret Ingredient”,  is in believing that the next gadget, laser, nutrition, decompression, rehab, massage, or diplomate will be their answer.  Many of us spend time, energy, and resources on the latest and greatest things, only to accrue overhead, frustration and disappointment.  We end up unfulfilled, burnt out, and no closer to where we hoped to be.

Doc, if you haven’t realized it yet.  There is only one secret ingredient to success… YOU!

Dr. Tom Owen always says that success is found in Attitude, Actions, Concepts and Procedures; and in that order.

I’m all about improving efficiency, proficiency, productivity and profitability.  But, it so often starts by taking the hard look in the mirror and asking yourself the tough questions; realizing that you are the secret ingredient, full of potential, knowledge and skill.

Question:  Are you Green and Growing or Ripe and Rotten?  Only YOU can decide. 

What can you do today to be green and growing?



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Innate Video Series

Hear from seasoned professionals and industry experts with new videos each week.

We are on an upward trend since joining AMC and keep having our best years ever! 🥳

Drs. Paul & Heather Fay

Because of my consistent efforts, I saw the most patients I ever have in a day and in a week! 👏

Dr. Suarez

We have been rocking it with new patients and are ready to keep that momentum going as we serve more and more people. 🤘

Drs. Rick and Jill Palma

I set all-time records in patient visit averages, total collections, and collection visit averages over the last few years. 👏

Dr. JP Whittaker

I had a $10,000 care plan accepted, which was amazing! 🙏

Dr. Bryan Hedlund

I collected $307K in my first year in practice! I also maintained an 85% closing percentage and had a $125 collection visit average. 👍

Dr. Miguel Esquinca

I keep having record years since becoming an AMC family member! 💪

Dr. Dan Yachter

My office achieved the highest total collections and highest CVA of my career! 🙌 

Dr. Tony Rea

I had my best year ever and grew $147K in collections! 🤩

Dr. Holly Cox

I closed 4 care plans in one day after coming back from the Atlanta Summit! 🥳

Dr. Angie Skokos