

The Gift of Chiropractic

How Will You Use Your Gift?

We have all had opportunity to be exposed to the life changing potential of chiropractic. Many of us found our way into this profession because of chiropractic care and then were given a desire to share what we had discovered with others. I am no different, having suffered for years and years with migraine headaches I finally found the right solution, a dear friend referred me to a chiropractors office and that chiropractor corrected the subluxation that was actually causing the headaches!! Imagine that, a solution that is so simple, yet so difficult for many to understand. The truth of the matter comes full circle when we stop to realize the potential for the gift that we have been given. What if I had not found the truth behind chiropractic? Where would I be today? The headaches that I was suffering from were debilitating. I was a sales manager at the time and remember spending several long days locked up in a hotel room with the shades pulled. Not only did this affect me greatly, but what about all the business professionals that had to change their schedules because of my headaches? If I had not found the truth of chiropractic how many lives would be different today because I would not have been given the opportunity to reduce their subluxation and change the course of their lives?

This gift is more than just an adjustment of a subluxation folks, it is the removal of negativity from the human body. We do this in so many ways day in and day out in our offices, when was the last time you thought about it? How about when the patient comes in who just suffered the loss of a loved one? Do we take a moment to offer them a caring heart and an ear to listen? Do we offer up a prayer of encouragement for them, right then and there? How about the patient who comes in and shares with you that they have just lost their job? What about the patient who’s husband has just left for duty overseas? I had quite an experience just this past week in my office, a thirteen year old young man came into my office with the fresh diagnosis of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma that is present throughout his entire lymph system and on the bone in his lower spine. Less than two weeks prior this young man was wrestling competitively and seemingly completely healthy. His entire world has come crashing down around him and right now the biggest thing he can wrap his young mind around is that all of his hair is going to fall out. I don’t know about you Doc, but this is a moment that deserves a listening ear and a moment of prayer, how did this young man find his way in to my office and why? I don’t think that his parents thought for one moment that I could take away the cancer cells, but for some reason he was sitting in the chair in front of me and it was time for me to respond.

It’s a gift Doctor, and each of us has it……from a waiting room that reaches out and warms and welcomes your patient to the clinic, to the staff person that answers the phone on a busy Monday morning…..and answers it with a smile on her face, to the moment that you determine where the nerve pressure is and deliver the adjustment that will reduce the vertebral subluxation for that patient on that day at that very particular moment. This is quite possibly a life changing event for every patient that enters your office TODAY, how many will you deliver? 10? 40? 70? You have the opportunity to change perhaps 70 lives in one day, 350 lives in one week? 18200 in one year? 182000 in ten years? 546000 in a career that spans 30 years? Over a half a million patients treated with the gift that you were given? It is a gift Doctor, and what you do with that gift is up to you……it has been entrusted to you and I believe that you have a responsibility to deliver it to your patient in the very best way EVERY time that you place your hands on the patient and reduce that subluxation, you do NOT know how far reaching it will be on that day, in that particular moment.

IF one patient comes in and tells you that they have been diagnosed with cancer, how many have NOT told you? Every visit is important and we simply MUST use the gift that was given to us through the power of the chiropractic adjustment to help heal this world, one patient at a time.

It’s time to get to work Doctor, there are lives to change and subluxations to correct. Are you ready to get to work? What a JOY it is to serve using the gift of chiropracTIC!!

Be Blessed

Dr Greg Miller

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