

Achieving your Purpose

Do you have a chief aim and definite purpose? Have you committed to developing your own potential in order to reach your goals and get to that next level of success? Would you like to see others grow and be successful and live their dreams? Please read on!

I found that my purpose was to help as many people as possible to be healthy through Chiropractic and also help as many Chiropractors as possible get going in the right direction. I was a right starter in 1998 and got off to a great start. I’m the one who had 181 patient visits on the books at the end of my first week. You should’ve seen the smile on my face! At that time, I realized I had made the best decision ever in joining AMC. From that point forward my mission and purpose has been to see that other Chiropractors have the same opportunity as I did to grow and become more confident in what we know how to do best. I am very thankful that Dr. David Mauldon invited me to that first boot camp. He actually drove me to my first meeting. Now that’s going the second mile!

Recently, as I was reading “The Purpose Driven Life”, chapter 39 really hit home with me. It’s entitled “Balancing Your Life”. “Live life with a due sense of responsibility, not as those who do not know the meaning of life but as those who do (Ephesians 5:15) (PH)”. The author Rick Warren talks about how life is a pentathlon of five purposes, which you must keep in balance. These are God’s five purposes for your life:

1. “Love God with all your heart”

2. “Love your neighbor as yourself”

3. “Go make disciples”

4. “Baptize them into…”

5. “Teach them to do all things…”

He acknowledges that keeping these five purposes in balance is not easy. We all tend to overemphasize the purposes we feel most passionate about and neglect the others. He also advises you can keep these five things in balance by joining a small group for accountability, by regularly evaluating your spiritual health, by recording your progress in a personal journal, and by passing on what you learn to others. “These are four important activities for purpose-driven living. If you are serious about staying on track, you will need to develop these habits. Are you developing your own potential?

Doesn’t this sound a bit like AMC? We are a ministry helping others? We keep each other accountable? We keep track of our progress and the most important for me is to share what works with those wanting to do better.

Mr. Warren says the best way to balance these five purposes is to evaluate ourselves periodically. Also he states, “If you want to keep growing, the best way to learn is to pass on what you have already learned. Proverbs tells us, “The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.” That’s pretty straight forward!

So, what’s your purpose? Are your goals aligned with your purpose and chief aim? Are you developing your own potential? Coach John Wooden says this is a quality second to none. Have you resisted doing some of the things your coach has asked you to do? Has it been hard to step outside your comfort zone? Are you going to boot camps and training centers? Are you roll-playing and training your staff? These are all tools, procedures and protocols to develop you as a doctor and help you advance forward, grow and be the best CEO.

As you work on developing yourself and defining your purpose, has it ever occurred that you could possibly be the most important link for saving this awesome profession? When you go to seminars and special Chiropractic events have you ever bumped in to a colleague that wants to grow to a new level? Have you tried sharing what you have learned by reaching out to your friends and asking how they are doing? We have an awesome opportunity and responsibility to pass on what we know to others wanting to grow and change their path. As I’ve said before, maybe you know someone doing $50,000 monthly; don’t let that impress you because they might have an overhead of $40,000. As you go about sowing good seeds, remember you might just be the answer to a friend or colleagues prayers.


Dr. Ava Carter

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