

Mastery is the Key

Mastery: the Key to Success

I read a quote of very good friend of mine, Dr Henri Dallies, where he stated that in order for someone to develop a truly successful practice, one must master two techniques:

1. You must master your chiropractic technique or the art,science and philosophy of helping sick people get well.

2. You have to master office system technique, or how to manage your office, your patients and your marketing.

My friend hit the nail on the head with that quote. He is right but the problem is that so few people ever take the time to truly commit to mastering either one.

In the world of chiropractic, for years I have watched the vast majority of doctors try utilizing various chiropractic techniques as well as the AMC system only to fall significantly short of ever MASTERING either one. It may be a human nature trait but it is surely a common attribute.

I will give you an illustration. When a doctor first joins the AMC family they fill out a detailed analysis that gives us an overall picture of their chiropractic career. There is a question within the analysis asking the doctor to list off all techniques they are proficient at. In most cases, Doctors will list a wide array of techniques they utilize but it very difficult to truly MASTER multiple techniques. Those that choose one specific technique to dedicate their lives to mastering are the ones that I have seen over the years that have the better chance of developing a prosperous practice for them and their patients. That has been my experience anyway.

As for the 2nd technique he mentioned, I have vast experience on that one alone. There are so few doctors that ever take the time to ultimately master the art of practice management.

I see it all the time. Doctors come to AMC. They pick and choose different aspects of a total system based on their own opinions. By doing so, they limit the overall growth of their practice. They never take the time to fully digest the vastness of the system. They think by memorizing some procedures they have accomplished something. These will be the same doctors that will be chasing the NEXT BIG THING that promises them prosperity. They spend their whole careers jumping here to there while never stopping to be a master of anything.

The few that do have the intestinal fortitude to dedicate themselves to mastering each of the techniques most definitely go on to great careers and influence. You can pick them out of the crowd because they all have the look of peaceful confidence not false arrogance.

You know the quote my friend shared really relates to everything in life. Mastering the art of self character and integrity takes more dedication than the common man is willing to give. It doesn’t matter if you are talking about business, personal development, marriage or parenting; you will find that any arena found in life will require the art of mastering it before you ever experience true success.

It goes back to one of my old quotes — ” the formula to success in life is found in ham and eggs. The chicken was involved but the pig was committed”. If you stay committed long enough to any specific technique or task you will find yourself eventually mastering it. The problem is very few people ever COMMIT to mastering anything that is the reason the world is full of so much mediocrity.

I challenge you today to pick your techniques and dedicate yourself to their mastery. you will be better off for it! I promise!!!



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