

It’s Easier to Deliver Chiropractic Than Sell It (Video)

Educating Your Patients

Affordable Management and Consulting for Chiropractors — Wasn’t it great as a chiropractic student when your vision was graduating, setting up and office, and then having the masses lined up at your door to purchase the wonderful product that you had spent so many hours and dollars to acquire?  If you are reading this as a student, I’m sorry to burst your bubble early, but better now than when you actually have overhead and only then do you find out that nothing could be further from the truth, that you are now in a world in which you have to “sell” your chiropractic product.  I have put together a video of approximately 5 minutes length to help you address this problem, so please view the video and then I will finish up today’s post.

If you are a chiropractic student now you know, and if you are a practicing chiropractor then what you know has been reaffirmed.  But possibly some new light has been shed on the subject of chiropractic sales versus delivering your chiropractic product to those who have a desire to buy it.

I know it is difficult to educate the public about chiropractic as a mass, but it is not difficult to educate each patient that comes through your door if you have a consistent system that is designed to do exactly that.  I remember going home from my first AMC Boot Camp so excited because I now had the tools necessary to really get my patients to understand what they had and what I had for them.  Instead of trying to beat it into their heads I had found a complete chiropractic office procedures system that easily and efficiently took the patient from little to no understanding of chiropractic, their need for it, and it’s benefits for them to patients that had a good understanding of what their true problem was, what could be done about it, and the value of chiropractic care for them and their family.  Once I became proficient in presenting the system I was absolutely amazed at how my patients were now lining up to buy what I had to offer instead of me trying to convince them and beg them to buy my wonderful chiropractic product.

If you don’t have a system that is specifically designed to get patients to understand they need chiropractic care, then you are working much harder than you should be and certainly not helping as many patients with the great gift of chiropractic!



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