

Balance Your Priorities

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I have received literally countless numbers of thank you’s and letters of appreciation over the years in recognition of 2 specific talks I have given. One being titled ‘The MADE UP MIND” and the other being “SUCCESS IN YOUR DAILY ROUTINE”. Both of these recordings hold an immense amount of direction in leading a successful life both personally and professionally but somewhere along the way there has been a misinterpretation of the information being transferred. Even though I clearly cover principles that relate to both our personal and professional lives there has been a tendency for people to direct their sole focus on the professional side. Those that do that are setting themselves up for failure in the laws of life.

People that lack the components of a made up mind or the implementation of a daily routine tend to wander in life more than they would have otherwise. The chances of living in a world of mediocrity with a lack of purpose and vision are also greatly increased without those components being utilized however balance is key.

For all of you old movie buffs, it’s like Mr Miaggi said in the Karate Kid– “IN ALL OF LIFE — LEARN BALANCE”. The point I’m wanting to make is that the same components of the Made up Mind and your Daily Routine must be used in the priorities of life equally. One can not become more important than the other. In my own life, My priorities must be kept in the order of God, family , business. If and when I ever change the order of my priorities then my life will quickly get out of balance and I will become less effective in all areas at the same time.

This may come as a surprise to some of you. Most of you think of me being very driven in business and success which I am but the only reason I am able to be successful in my professional walk is because of the balance I have in my first priorities. I know ALL things are possible through God when he is my first source and my wife knows that she is #1 in my life. She is my best friend and partner in life. My children know their father and knows that Daddy loves them and always has time for them.

If we don’t keep balance in our lives then we will never be truly successful. You may ask yourself — How do I do all of that? I will tell you that it takes a MADE UP MIND and a DAILY ROUTINE. It’s not always easy but could someone tell me when anything worth having in life is easy? It may not be easy but I can attest it sure is worth the effort. I encourage you today to MAKE UP YOUR MIND AND START A DAILY ROUTINE TODAY THAT WILL BALANCE YOUR PRIORITIES! God Bless you ALL!!!

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